Thursday, January 14, 2010

A Note from Underground

I want to post these occasionally. They are attempts at notes that would come from someone like the underground man; someone supremely self-aware, who grapples with salvation anxiety and a dark will to power. Hopefully it gives an honest, however dark, look at what it is to be a human. They might or might not be far from home. That's not the point.

"I'm a real, live human,"
who pisses and who shits into the exposed end of a sewage pipe,
who uses more water than he should in showering,
who has come on many faces,
who is madly in love with you from one moment till, perhaps, the next,
who will go away one day,
who will die one day,
who will be consumed by the eather,
who, in the meantime, enjoys the blood of innocent animals,
bites his nails,
wipes shit from his ass so it doesn't crust, s
pends his existence in front of a screen,
chases ass,
cries, sometimes, as he uses his own hand to bring himself to orgasm before wiping the juice -
the juice capable of creating life -
with a pair of boxers.

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